Thursday, July 28, 2016


Fear is a compass
Scars of a past
Learn to control it
Learn to outlast

Patterns of behavior
Take long to forget
Engraved are the memories
Creating the regret

If Only the happy
Lasted half as long
A warm and fuzzy feeling
Like your favourite song

We let the fear creek in
Until a river forms
Too hard to stop it
So hard to perform

Rise above the madness
and the pain that it creates
Surround your heart with kindness
and those who can relate.

Let happiness guide you
Follow where it leads
Don't wallow in pity
Get out and do good deeds.

The contentment that you long for
Is already contained within
Learning to bring it to the surface
Is a good place to Begin.

Making this your practice
Will enhance pleasure in your life
Fight past the negativity
Rise above others strife.

Let good feelings guide you
to find your true North
When you feel the fear a rising
Pack up and go Forth
BjM 7-28-16